
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - September 2015

(Mehmood Zubair)

Where the development of science and technology has provided a collection of comforts and information with its new inventions and evolutions, there it has opened the new ways to the world of lust. Where the communication gaps are shortened and have provided the humanity comforts, there it also has provided a source of fulfilling the desires of lustful persons. According to the latest report published in a newspaper a few days back, the brokerage of prostitution is being carried out internet on large scale in which rich people especially youngsters are being attracted and heavy payments are being grasped from them. Moreover, in this way the numbers of credit cards and debit cards are obtained and their accounts are being emptied after saving their passwords. Means with the destruction of morality and belief (Eiman) they also have to bear the loss of wealth. Moreover, many websites are full of vulgar scenes and literature. Feelings are being provoked and for their appeasement the brokerage is also in progress. As a result of this it seems that a flood of vulgarity and obscenity has arrived and especially the young generation is effected from it. In this regard BBC television arranged a debate between the psychologists and common citizens before 2013, in which it has been told that more than 15 percent people get appeasement by pornography.  In this debate a report was presented in which it was reported that 9 % British people watch sexual scenes 11 hours per week. It was reported four years back when the use of internet and computer was not so common.

As compared to the poor people, rich people are learning new methods of carnality, being happy after giving a sexual torture to each other, homosexuality, relations with animals, sodomy with little boys, girls, women, old people, mother, sister, daughter and with many other sacred relations, rape and many other things are being learnt by the wealthy young generation who is attached with internet. And they are trying to apply all these things in their society and with their spouses. As a result the sacredness of relations is being demolished and married couples are spending mirthless life. According to the report, at this time there are thousands of couples in America whose marital life has been destroyed due to internet. According to a cautious evaluation, at this time there are more than one million naked pictures available on internet and more than one lac vulgar videos can be accessed through internet. It is just a glance of these vulgar and evil programs; actually there are many other programs available on internet which cannot be tolerated by a gentleman.

Parents and guardians has not been completely succeeded in preventing their young generations from this vulgarity even knowing their responsibility, especially the elite class, because if they stop their children from using internet then they will be deprived of a source of information. If you have internet in your home then how should you keep an eye on its usage? And how can be children saved from vulgar sites? The users of internet know that the internet has changed the whole world into a global village; it is such a source by which millions of people can be communicated and can get benefits from the thoughts and comforts of each other. You get every important international thing here. Its information, introduction and details are available on just one “click”. Any important matter can be resolved just in few minutes. There are very rare worldly things which are not available on internet. If you want to stop a person from using this big source of information then it is not only a difficult task but it also is impossible. And you will be blamed of stopping the children from a big source of getting education. It is also a true fact that religion is not only the name of prayers, fasts and other worships but Islam also provides guidance for every aspect and matter of life and being a Muslim we have to follow this. So the moderate way is that internet should be used within the limitations of Islam and precautions should be followed in order to be protected from its worse effects. You will be surprised and will happy to know that as there are many softwares to run different programs of internet, similarly there are some softwares available for blocking some vulgar programs and sex based sites. If the internet services provider does not give you the facility to block unethical websites then you can use the following softwares, which are available in market, to block unethical, morale less, vulgar and anti-Islamic websites. The names of the softwares are;

1)      Cyber Sitter       2)Nanny Net        3)Cyber Petrol

4)      Norton Internet Security

5)      MacAfee Parental Control

Install these softwares in computer and then adjust their settings. These softwares block the vulgar websites. Actually these softwares do not block anti-Islamic websites but these have options by which you can block the vulgar and anti-Islamic websites. The settings of these softwares are difficult but not impossible. Blocking the porn and anti-Islamic literature through these softwares is for those people whose internet services provider or the Government organizations do not provide such facilities to their users to block these websites. On the other hand for the residents of developed countries this is an easy matter, at the time of purchasing internet connection people should demand “Parental Control” or if a company asks you to fill a form while purchasing internet connection then tick on the column of “Parental Control”. In this way when you will become a user of their internet services then the porn sites will not be opened at your home. Adopting the above mentioned methods is essential in order to be protected from the evils of internet and for protecting the faithful, Islamic, morale and civilized values for your family and their invigilation is also essential. Otherwise by establishing the harmful relations with internet you are the responsible of the destruction of religion, civilization and morality of your family. If your daughter talks to a stranger then how can you ignore this? If your son goes into streets and establish relations with the strangers, then will you ignore this, definitely you won’t. But believe on this fact that the Satan and his followers are destroying us by entering in our homes through internet and provoking our generations towards the ways of vulgarity and crudity. While taking the benefit from this technology and the educational literature on it this thing must be kept in view that how can be protected from its useless literature and harms.                                              (Thanks to the monthly “Baidari”) 

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